Saturday, June 15, 2013

Africa on my mind and in my blood

 As I sit and reflect upon my trip abroad  I think back to our last flight in South Africa. My mind goes to  a conversation I over heard between an Afrikan stewardess and a white American woman passenger. Talking to the stewardess, the American said to another white passenger who I presume from their conversation was visiting South Africa for the first time, “Be careful, Africa gets in your blood.” At the time I was confused by her statement. Though I wasn’t fully aware of her intentions, I took offense to her comment. I interpreted her words as having a negative connotation, as the metaphor she used associated Africa and in my mind black’s, with a disease. However, after having experienced two weeks in Africa and being among African people, I interpret the woman’s comment with new meaning. Being back in the United States, away from the people and places I encountered over the past two weeks, I feel Africa has gotten into my blood. I understand Africa not as an invasive disease that has entered my blood stream, but as a contagious energy filled with responsibility to people, not just Africans but to humanity. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

At the Orphanage in Soweto-A Moment for learning....

When we first arrived at the orphanage, as we prepared to get off the bus, I noticed there was a feeling of unease as we pulled up to the dirt clay trailers with the hundreds of children playing outside. Entering into a place where the majority of the children played day in and day out in the red clay dust of Soweto, I zipped my jacket to my chin as we got off the bus. This was the part of the trip I looked forward to the most. As I stepped off the bus, I was ready to give all of my energy and spend my time with a group of beautiful black children, some of whose names I could remember, and others I could not. When my first little sister came up to me I struggled to learn to enunciate the proper way to say her name. Having to ask the children to repeat their names more than three times, a point at which they were so frustrated they simply told me to call them by their English names, exposes why  scholars who study Africa MUST learn the language of the people they study. With every “What is your name?’ “Say it again?” I felt my American-ness surface as the dissimilarity between my African little brothers and sisters. Naming is a huge part of African and African American culture. but how can I even begin to connect with people when I cannot call them by their name? The fact that I, was there to help but lacked the linguistic understanding to communicate directly with the children became a real concern for me. At the same time, this absence of language also provided an opportunity for me to witness all the other ways our bodies and spirits may communicate when language is a barrier. We played, danced and sang songs, and it was this moment as a community that really inspired me to see the potential of humanity. Of what can happen when people are self-less and take the time with one another, for one another to simply spend time. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Standing up : violence against women education for all boys school

One thing I really appreciated about the first all boys school that we went to was the amount of literature promoting standing against violence and sex abuse toward women. In each classroom we went into, I was happy to find a sign that read "Stop Rape." I think this really emphasizes the global importance of standing up for women's rights.

Hands down the best day

We started our trip visiting two schools and an orphanage. Hands down the best day!

Nelson Mandela Cell

Robben island

Paying respects to all the political prisoners of apartheid. 

Chobe Botswana

In Botswana for a day. We travelled to another safari lodge and took a tour on the river. So blessed . 

Good hope

At the cape of Good hope

Art is everywhere

The young girl here is a student at Tabernacle Christian Academy in Ivory Park , a district in South Africa. I was honored because she shared her poetry with me. She talked about how she wanted to be a lawyer and a poet when she grows up. I think it only makes sense, as both require one to be a word warrior! Her poems were about womanhood, and god, and life and living, and when I listened had I closed my eyes I would have thoug I was listening to a 27 year old def poet, straight off of the Russell Simons series. She too, came from a single parent household, and as we shared creative energy I could feel her tapping into a piece of me. I know I will see her again, because she taught me that creativity Is surviving.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tau Lodge and Safari

Today was a beautiful day. When I woke up this morning I prayed that I would see God in everything and I did. As I rode through South Africa from Jo'burg through Mamalodi and towards our destination, I saw the platinum mines and townships that stand in their shadows. As I looked upon the high ground I could not help but think of parts of Appalachia. Of riding down home, to Canmrr KY through the mountains , seeing houses in the valley. When we got to the safari tears rolled down my eyes as I looked upon the beauty and greatness of God that go seen and unseen nearly everyday depending on which part of the world You call home. On our safari ride, with every beautiful animal I saw I cried. My tears I believe we're an appreciation of God's blessings to me and to the world. I didnt feel worthy. My tears were in amazement of Gods power and ability. I was literally 20 feet from a herd of elephants at the watering hole. Our guide explained that elephants follow and trust the female leader of the group. For a long time I focused my attention to a baby elephant no more than three months old, running  about the water hole barely keeping its balance.  Our guide also assured us that as long as the mother was calm, everything is under control. This made me think of my mama, and the women in my family. Just as the elephants trusted themselves to the wisdom of their matriarch, so too I was raised by women.  And I cried thinking about how I could capture this moment, through the lens of my spirit to take it and bring it to my friends and family. I cried because I didn't feel words would do it justice. I felt an overwhelming presence, knowing this Is nothing but a creation of God. This beauty also reminded me that this is not the only vision of God's work. That this was the epitome of faith in things hoped for but not seen, because what I was seeing my eyes couldn't even capture in time for my spirit to catch up. I watched the sunset in Africa today, I truly felt I was kissed by God and all the angels. I pray that as you read this , you feel kissed as well. 

Travels from today!

This was our shot as we prepared to leave the Houston airport!

After our flight from Houston to Amsterdam and a ten hour flight from Amsterdam to Johannesburg we finally arrived 10pm Thursday night, to South Africa!
We are spending our first three days at the Agterplass lodge in Jo'burg. This was the amazing dinner we had waiting for us upon our arrival to the Lodge! Even though it was late, I broke my 7 pm food curfew and I must say the food was amazing. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thank you to everyone for your prayers ! After a long flight I have made it safely to South Africa . early morning tomorrow so more to write soon! Things I have already learned just from my flight include "lessons of entitlement" courtesy of my plane riding buddy and the myths we inherit as black people thinking about the motherland! Question for you all checking my blog, I would love to know what are the first words and images that come to mind when you think of AFRICA ? I'd love to hear your thoughts as I journèy so feel free to write in my comments section!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today is the big day. I got up this morning at about 8:00 am. My bags are packed,and I have checked my list twice. Ofcourse it's raining in Texas. we fly out of Houston this afternoon, expecting to stop in Amsterdam and then to Jo'Burg. My body is tired.  But, My mind is ready!  Sending everyone Loads of Positive energy and Love ! Until I blog again!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Preparation Prayer

Packing at 3am
head bowed, eyes closed
preparation prayer
Allow my mind heart spirit
to be open
to experience
the wonders of this world
that you created in the days before
men and women hated each other for no reason
at all
unpack my spirit of guilt and anxiety
of essential notions
and colonial clutter
fill my suitcase full
with a spirit of
that makes me available
to a different set of places,
people and ideas
humble me as you teach me
that even the ground will write me a lesson
of how to be a listener and learner
allow me to return
with a renewed mind
a new kind
clearer eyes
that allow my heart to
see your vision of the world
through my life
give me the strength to
Pack it all
Yunina Barbour-Payne