Friday, May 24, 2013

Tau Lodge and Safari

Today was a beautiful day. When I woke up this morning I prayed that I would see God in everything and I did. As I rode through South Africa from Jo'burg through Mamalodi and towards our destination, I saw the platinum mines and townships that stand in their shadows. As I looked upon the high ground I could not help but think of parts of Appalachia. Of riding down home, to Canmrr KY through the mountains , seeing houses in the valley. When we got to the safari tears rolled down my eyes as I looked upon the beauty and greatness of God that go seen and unseen nearly everyday depending on which part of the world You call home. On our safari ride, with every beautiful animal I saw I cried. My tears I believe we're an appreciation of God's blessings to me and to the world. I didnt feel worthy. My tears were in amazement of Gods power and ability. I was literally 20 feet from a herd of elephants at the watering hole. Our guide explained that elephants follow and trust the female leader of the group. For a long time I focused my attention to a baby elephant no more than three months old, running  about the water hole barely keeping its balance.  Our guide also assured us that as long as the mother was calm, everything is under control. This made me think of my mama, and the women in my family. Just as the elephants trusted themselves to the wisdom of their matriarch, so too I was raised by women.  And I cried thinking about how I could capture this moment, through the lens of my spirit to take it and bring it to my friends and family. I cried because I didn't feel words would do it justice. I felt an overwhelming presence, knowing this Is nothing but a creation of God. This beauty also reminded me that this is not the only vision of God's work. That this was the epitome of faith in things hoped for but not seen, because what I was seeing my eyes couldn't even capture in time for my spirit to catch up. I watched the sunset in Africa today, I truly felt I was kissed by God and all the angels. I pray that as you read this , you feel kissed as well. 

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