Saturday, June 15, 2013

Africa on my mind and in my blood

 As I sit and reflect upon my trip abroad  I think back to our last flight in South Africa. My mind goes to  a conversation I over heard between an Afrikan stewardess and a white American woman passenger. Talking to the stewardess, the American said to another white passenger who I presume from their conversation was visiting South Africa for the first time, “Be careful, Africa gets in your blood.” At the time I was confused by her statement. Though I wasn’t fully aware of her intentions, I took offense to her comment. I interpreted her words as having a negative connotation, as the metaphor she used associated Africa and in my mind black’s, with a disease. However, after having experienced two weeks in Africa and being among African people, I interpret the woman’s comment with new meaning. Being back in the United States, away from the people and places I encountered over the past two weeks, I feel Africa has gotten into my blood. I understand Africa not as an invasive disease that has entered my blood stream, but as a contagious energy filled with responsibility to people, not just Africans but to humanity. 

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